Teen/Adolescent Counselling

Help for Parents and Teens!

Teen Counselling in Edmonton, AB

Adolescence is a period of rapid change including disorientation and discovery. The transitional period can bring up issues of independence and self-identity. Many teens face difficult choices on how to prioritize school, social life and family responsibilities. Friends, romantic interests and external appearance tend to naturally increase in significance.

Adolescence is a time when teens prefer the company of their friends more than ever before and parents can feel their child separating and holding onto them in confusing ways often changing moment to moment.

Parenting teens, can be the most trying and challenging of times, and often parents find themselves walking the fine line between helping and frustrating their teen. Listening and talking is the key to a healthy connection between you and teen.

However, maintaining a healthy connection with your teen can be difficult in our busy world where there are many other pressures to cope with. If things are not going well and you are having problems you might want to consider seeking outside help.

Typical parent/teens concerns that Amanda can help with include:

Parent/Teen conflict
Anger Management
School Performance
Learning Difficulties
Career direction
Body Image

Whatever your situation, Amanda can help both parents and teens understand the thoughts, feelings and behaviours of adolescence.